Your hosting account comes with a number of control panels to allow you to manage your hosting.

Round Cube Web Mail -  Think Design Print provide a secure web mail system for you to send and receive your email.

DTC Email Control Panel - This screen lets your email account holders change their email passwords, set up email redirects and set up any fetch mail accounts that they want.

DTC Hosting Control Panel - This screen lets you make changes to your hosting such as adding email, ftp and ssh accounts.  You can also set up your databases.  You can view a printable version of our instruction manual for your control panel here.

Database Management Control Panel -  Databases you create in your Hosting Control Panel can be managed using phpMyAdmin.  You can also use this control panel to make backups of your databases.

New Account Registration - If you don't already have a hosting account with us, or would like to set up another account, use this link to display the New Account Registration form.

How to set up your email software - This page explains how to set up your email software to collect your email off our server.

How to transfer files to your account - This page explains how to use ftp and ssh to manage files on your hosting account.

How to view your web site statistics - This page explains how to view stats about the traffic on your web site.

How to backup your web sites - We back up all your sites, how ever you can also perform backups if you want to.